


Uncovering the Influence of Text Genres on Communicating Unknown Health Issues:Emotional and Cognitive Outcomes
Paper presentation at the 2023 Taiwan Association for Educational Communications and technology (TAECT 2023)
The Role of Emotion Monitoring in Debunking Online Misinformation
Paper presentation at the 2023 International Conference of Science Education in Taiwan (ASET 2023)
Combining electrodermal activity with self-report measures to unravel the impact of text genres on emotional arousal, risk perception, and text comprehension
Invited symposium at the 27th JURE Pre-Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction
The interplay of emotions and attention when reading texts of different genres:an eye-tracking study
Poster presentation at American Educational Research Association (AERA)


Measuring Engagement during Text Reading:Evidence from Electrodermal Activity (EDA)
Poster presentation at Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Psychophysiological-Research (SPR)


An Exploratory Study on Design and Implement an Emotional Karaoke Robot (EKR).
Paper presentation at International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII) 2018